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Trevian’s CEO Reima Södervall appointed to the board of RAKLI

Reima Södervall, CEO of Trevian Asset Management, has been elected to RAKLI‘s Board of Directors at the organization’s annual meeting. The appointment is valid from March 2, 2021, and lasts for two years.

RAKLI is the most comprehensive and prominent association of professional property owners, real estate investors, corporate real estate managers, and construction clients[1]  representative of their member organizations’ interests in Finland. Trevian Asset Management is a long-term member organization of RAKLI. At the core of RAKLI’s strategy for 2020–2024 are, e.g., digitalization, promotion of well-being through the built environment, and the themes of responsibility.

“The strategic priorities of the association are central to the development of the industry. As a member of RAKLI, Trevian actively participates in social dialogue and the production of vibrant environments”, says CEO Reima Södervall.

Markku Mäkiaho, managing director of OP Kiinteistösijoitus Oy and the new Chairman of the Board of RAKLI, speaks out for responsibility and sustainable growth. “I would like it to be integrated into all of our work, and to be a natural part of our decision-making. As a society, we face many challenges, and in the future, we need to do more with less resources. We cannot just talk about continuous growth, but about sustainable growth”, says Mäkiaho in a press release published by RAKLI.[2]

[1] https://www.rakli.fi/en/about-us/

[2] https://www.rakli.fi/rakli-tiedottaa/raklin-uusi-puheenjohtaja-puhuu-vastuullisuuden-puolesta/

Reima Södervall

Reima Södervall